USER MANUAL 16-2000-120
Rev. 02/2016
The unit has a volume adjustment feature. It only covers activation signals. In order to
change the volume, press and hold down the pure cutting button for at least 2 [s]. Then,
using the arrows select the target volume of the unit. Five volume levels can be
selected, where u1 is the lowest permissible level and u5 is the highest permissible
level. In all the modes, alert/error messages are sounded at the loud level. To ensure
that the unit saves the new setting, wait for 3 [s] or press the pure cutting button again.
Figure 8.
Volume adjustment.
In the monopolar operating mode, the unit requires a neutral electrode to be connected. Ackermann units are
equipped with a neutral electrode application monitoring system. The NEM system installed in Ackermann HF
units is designed for use with Ackermann disposable neutral electrodes with the catalogue number
16-2000-1212DFL. Only these neutral electrodes are compatible with our system.
The manufacturer only allows the use of disposable neutral electrodes with the catalogue
number 16-2000-1212DFL for adult patients and children.
The use of disposable neutral electrodes, enables the equal distribution of a high-frequency current on the
entire electrode surface, in combination with the NEM system, guarantees the continuous monitoring of
neutral electrode adhesion and ensures the maximum patient safety during the procedure.
OF 39