PCIe Accelerator-6D Card User Guide (UG074)
Speedster FPGAs
Chapter - 2: General Description
PCIe Accelerator-6D Board
The development board has a PCIe form-factor having a dimension of Length:310 mm × Width:97.5 mm. It also
has dedicated power connectors.The figure
PCIe Accelerator-6D Board Details (see page 9)
PCIe Accelerator-6D board with many of the key components annotated.
Figure 3:
PCIe Accelerator-6D Board Details
User Modes
There are two use modes for this development board, standalone and in-system (plug-in). In both modes, the
user must provide power to the board through the dedicated power connectors using an external power supply
as shown in the figure below.
Standalone Mode
In this mode, the development board is placed on a bench, with control and data signals coming from the
surrounding interfaces, which may include the DIP switches, SMP connectors, I C header, Maxim temperature
sensor, DCC mcro-USB connector, nicro-USB connector for programming the FPGA over FTDI in JTAG mode,