reduction. The user is responsible to recognise deviations between the
operating manual and the actual handling of the ACE III and he has to react accordingly.
Preparation for the test
Install 2 pieces of AA batteries (alkaline, 1.5 V) in the battery compartment. Remove the
battery compartment cover at the back of the device carefully and insert the 2 pieces of AA
batteries. Mind the battery polarity in the process (+/-).
Insert a mouthpiece into the port on the top of the device and make sure it is attached
properly. Mouthpieces can be used with orientation to the right or left side. Use a different
mouthpiece for each test person. Avoid blowing cigarette smoke into the tester!
Conducting the measurement
1. Press the power button. If you release the power button you can see initial window and check
the information, date, time and serial number.
2. The device warms up until you can see the “blow” sign and hear one beep sound. During
indicate WAIT sign you can go into menu mode if you press M button. If you go out Menu mode,
warming up is automatically done.
3. Blow through the mouthpiece into the unit for 3 seconds until the sounds (a “tictac” tone)
concludes. When “BLOW” is shown on the display also a green light is blinking above the display,
this green light blinks until you start your test.
4. After taking your breath sample the LCD display shows “Analyzing/wait”.
5. The result is displayed with one beep sound. It displays for 15 seconds. If you want to do
another test, then press the power button again.
6. The device automatically turns off after 15 seconds without using it.
* If you keep press and hold the power switch for 3 seconds, you can see “Power off” on display.
After showing this message for 2 seconds, the device turns off.
Important: When you have eaten, drunken alcohol or smoked a cigarette, wait at least 20 minutes
before starting the measurement.
ACE Technik warns: Even if you get a result with the meaning „Safe range“, you should not drive
after having consumed alcohol or do any other activities which are badly affected by the
consumption of alcohol.
ACE Technik recommends
Always use a new mouthpiece for each person and each test which is conducted. ACE
Technik assumes no liability for any damages which arise when several people use the same
mouthpiece for multiple tests.
Don`t use the enclosed but the hygienic mouthpieces from the ACE series! During each test
the ACE Pro MED internal and external gets in contact with human secretion (saliva, blood,
sweat etc.)!
Use safety gloves when pulling out a mouthpiece which was used by another person than
yourself! You can buy appropriate gloves at ACE Technik.