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Click the relevant icon on the developer bar to also launch these functions.
No more information will be provided in this manual on the other IDE modules and debugging function. Basic
information can be found in the articles on the Microsoft homepage or in the IDE Help (F1).
4.4.1 Project subfolder
A separate debug and release directory is created in the project directory under /bin:
The generated programs and / or DLLs as well as temporary Visual Studio files are saved in these
When archiving your projects, you can comfortably delete some of the /obj directory contents (that can
become extremely large) as it only contains temporary files.
4.4.2 DeveloperPack
The DeveloperPack is a collection of various libraries with custom-developed DLLs for the mobile data
terminals from ACD Elektronik GmbH.
The libraries contain various interfaces for example for requesting system information or for managing device
parameters. It also contains an advanced set of graphical user interfaces.
The DeveloperPack is designed as an extension to the reduced functionality of .NET Compact Framework
and is intended as a comfortable and easy-to-use platform from which users can implement device functions.
The libraries have a hierarchical structure divided into various categories. The diagram below provides
a map of the DeveloperPack: