Quick set-up guide and fast facts guide
payment acceptance
This document is available in large print, Braille and audio by calling
0844 811 6666
*For BT business customers, calls will cost no more than 5.5p per minute, minimum call charge 6p (current at July 2013).
The price on non-BT phone lines may be different. Calls may be monitored and/or recorded.
Barclaycard is a trading name of Barclays Bank PLC. Barclays Bank PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register Number: 122702) and adhere to the
Lending Code which is monitored and enforced by the Lending Standards Board. Registered in England No: 1026167. Registered Office: 1
Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.
BCD114569FCTB02. Created 07/13. 33269BD.
green ENTER button; if not press the yellow CLEAR
button and the next acquirer will be displayed.
– Once you have selected an acquirer, the terminal will
print a report detailing the last 20 transactions. If there
are more transactions the terminal will display the
CONTiNuE prompt. If you want to continue, press the
green ENTER button again and the terminal will print
the next 20 transactions. (The CONTiNuE prompt
may be displayed up to four times to produce a log of
the last 100 transactions.)
– The terminal will now provide you with the option to
print a transaction log for another acquirer. Repeat the
above steps as required.
– The terminal will automatically return to the
READY prompt.
Payment Security Data Security
Standards (PCI-DSS)
The Payment Card industry Data Security Standards
(PCi-DSS) affect all businesses, from sole traders to
large corporations.
PCi DSS is mandatory and applies to all commercial
operations that store, process or transmit cardholder
data. It applies equally to manual processing and
storage of cardholder information as well as electronic
methods of processing and storage.
The use of a PCi-DSS compliant product or Payment
Service Provider helps reduce the scope of your
compliance obligations; however as a minimum you
or your head office should complete the appropriate
annual Self Assessment Questionnaire or a Report of
Compliance from a Qualified Security Assessor.
For further information, see:
Banking must be carried out at the end of each
business day. Just follow these simple steps:
– At the READY prompt, press MENu button until the
system menu is displayed.
– use the arrow button to select the “Totals” option
and when highlighted, press the green ENTER button
to select.
– The “End Of Day Banking” option will now be
highlighted. Press the green ENTER button.
– Swipe the Supervisor Card.
– The terminal will display “End Of Day Banking” Press
the green ENTER button to select.
– The terminal will now give you two options. The first
is the option to bank all by pressing the green ENTER
button. The second option is to bank by each acquirer
separately by pressing the yellow CLEAR button.
If you choose to bank by each acquirer you will need
to select “Yes” or “No” as required. Just press either
the green ENTER or the yellow CLEAR button at
each prompt.
– Your terminal may now dial out.
– Your terminal will now print an “End Of Day Banking”
report for your records.
How to print a transaction log
To help with reconciliation or to confirm the status of a
transaction, a log of the last 100 transactions can be
produced. Here’s how:
– At the READY prompt, press the MENu button until
the system menu is displayed.
– using the
button, select the “Select Function”
option and then press the green ENTER button.
– The terminal will prompt you to enter a function code.
Key in “16” and then press the green ENTER button.
– Swipe the Supervisor Card through the terminal.
– The terminal will now display an acquirer. If you wish
to print a transaction log for this acquirer press the
Authorisation: 0844 822 2000
Chargebacks: 01604 614012
American Express: 01273 675533
Diners: 0845 850 0195
Problems with installation of Countertop
Terminal display prompt
Contacting GEMS Line
Disconnected Check
Telephone Line Press Clear
to Redial
Possible causes
The telephone cable is not
plugged into the socket.
What to do
Connect the telephone cable and then press the yellow
CLEAR button to continue. if the problems persist,
connect your telephone to the socket and check
whether it has a dialling tone. If there is no tone then the
fault might be with your socket and not the terminal.
Press the green ENTER button to select “Yes” and
restart the installation process. After three attempts the
terminal will prompt you to contact the Helpdesk. Do
not select “No” as this will ask for a function code – this
should only be used under direction of the Helpdesk.
Unable to connect (with print out)
Error code 3
Error code 4
Error code 24
Possible causes
Timeout (non-specific)
Timeout (non-specific)
DNS resolution failure
DNS resolution failure
What to do
– Check to ensure Ethernet cable is connected
correctly into terminal and modem/network router
– Power terminal off and on
– Check to ensure modem/port/network is working
– Ensure you have internet connectivity (e.g. try
checking your emails)
– Ensure DHCP is enabled on your network
– Ensure relevant ports are opened for incoming and
outgoing traffic
– Ensure relevant uRLs rules are enabled on your
Common prompts and troubleshooting
Terminal display prompt
Call Auth Centre
Possible causes/action
Assistance required.
What to do
Call Helpdesk
Faulty Card
Not Authorised
Referral B
Assistance required.
The card is not inserted into the PiN
pad or has been swiped incorrectly.
The card issuer has declined to
authorise the transaction.
Assistance required.
Call the Authorisation Centre on the number displayed
by the terminal. Once you have spoken to the
Authorisation Centre, press the green ENTER button
and follow the prompts displayed by the terminal.
Please contact your Helpdesk on the number
displayed by the terminal.
Insert or swipe the card again. If the problem persists
press the green ENTER button and key the card details
(please refer to the relevant section of the user guide).
Ask the customer to pay by some other means and
press the yellow CLEAR button.
Call the Authorisation Centre on the number displayed
by the terminal. When your call is answered please
quote Referral B.
Another piece of equipment that shares the telephone
line may be in use e.g. fax machine. Check that the
terminal is plugged into the telephone line. Check there
is a dial tone on the telephone line.
Process the card as a Chip and PiN transaction.
Routine Check. Insert Or Swipe
(as seen on the terminal display)
Occasionally the card will require an
additional routine security check.
Installation Failed
Restart Install?
Enter = YES Clear = NO
Key in Function Code and
then press ENTER
There has been a problem with
the installation of your terminal.
Line In Use
The terminal cannot detect a
dial tone.