Operating Mercury.
Power On
With the headset OFF, press and hold the
for 2 seconds and the
(open up earbud lid on
headphone) indicator will flash slowly in blue. If
you are wearing the headset, you should be
able to hear voice indication saying “Hello”.
Note that Mercury will automatcially pair to the
last connected device when powered on.
Power Off
Simply press and hold the
for 2 seconds and the
indicator will flash slowly in red, indicating
the device is now off. If you are wearing the
headset, you should be able to hear voice
indication saying “Goodbye”.
LED Indicator Status
Multifunction Button
(B) headset LED
(C) Multifunction
(B) headset
Constant red light.
Constant blue light.
Charging Complete
Power On (Connected)
Flashing blue light once every 3 seconds.
Power On (Talking)
Flashing blue light once every 3 seconds.
Power On (Incoming Call)
Flashing blue light continuously.
Music Playing
Flashing blue light twice every 4 seconds.
Power On (Not Connected)
Flashing blue light once every 5 seconds.
Low Battery
Flashing red light once every 20 seconds.
Pairing Mode
Flashing red and blue light alternately.
Buttons Controls.
Pause and Play
Playback Music
During music playback, click Multifunction Button
once to pause, and once again to resume.
Play Next Song
During music playback, press Vol + Button (as
shown in previous page) for 2s to play next song.
Play Previous Song
Press Vol - for 2s to play start of current song, press
Vol - twice quickly for previous song.
Volume Up | Volume Down
Vol + for increase volume, Vol - for reduce. When
reach max volume, a tone will be heard.
Incoming Call During Music
When a call is incoming during music, playback is
paused automatically, will resume when call ends.
Last Number Redial
Answering Calls
Whether headset is on standby or music mode,
double click Multifunction Button will redial last
number. Voice indicator will say “Last Number
Redial”, playback will be paused during calls.
Answering Calls
During playback or standby mode, press Multi-
function button once will answer directly.
Rejecting Calls
During playback or standby mode, press and hold
Multifunction Button for 2s will reject the call.
Switch Between Calls
During call, if another call is incoming, press Vol +
and Vol - at the same time to switch to the second
call, while putting first call on hold. Press the two
buttons again to return to original call.
Drop Original Calls
During call, if another call is incoming, press the
Multifunction Button once and then hold Vol +
Button for 2s to drop the initial call while answering
the new call.
Activating Siri
For iOS devices, press and hold both Vol + and
Vol - for 2 seconds.
Microphone Mute
During call, press and hold both Vol + and Vol - for
2s to mute microphone. Repeat this will un-mute.
Switch from Headset
to use Mobile Phone
Speaker and Microphone
When using Mercury during a call, double click the
Multifunction Button will switch to use the mobile
phone’s speaker and microphone. Double click the
same button to switch back to using headset.
Vol + Button
Vol - Button