Hardware and physical integration guideline PCR Sensor A111
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5.2 Radiation pattern
Two focal distances, D
= 2 and 8 mm, are chosen for characterizing the radar loop radiation
pattern of the lenses. Figure 26 and Figure 27 show the measured radar loop pattern for free-space, HPL
and FZP lenses for the selected focal distances. The measured gain is slightly lower than the expected
values (refer to Figure 24). This is due to tolerances of the distance which impacts the gain. If one
considers the FZP lens, the distance tolerance of +- 0.5 and +-1 mm results in 0.5- and 1-dB gain loss
For radar loop HPBW and RLG refer to module datasheets and the lens user guide. When the focal
distance is set to 2 mm, the radiated beam is less directive compared to when the focal distance is set to
8 mm.
To conclude, when a new radome is designed, it is very important to characterize the integrated lens and
radome to optimize the design for the targeted application.
Figure 26. Radar loop radiation pattern of the sensor in Free Space and with lens. Distance from the lens to the sensor
is set to 8 mm. Radius is in dB scale normalized to Free Space maximum gain. Gain value is stated in one direction
(Tx or Rx side). For Radar Loop Gain (RLG) the values will be doubled.