Section 1: Introduction to Dveous/MX
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Key Signal Paths
Understanding the video and key signal flow will help you better understand
how Dveous/MX works. This discussion outlines your options for channel con-
figurations and includes block diagrams that show the system video and key sig-
nal paths in more detail.
Dveous/MX has three (3) configurations, all with SD and HD capabilities. In
all configurations the SD mode works as dual twin channels. In HD mode you
can have one channel, single twin or dual twin modes. In any twin configura-
tion there exists both channel A and channel B. The A video transformation
path is a full bandwidth video channel. The B path, or twin channel, is a full
bandwidth video channel, however, it can also process key signals (luminance
only). This B channel configuration gives Dveous/MX three modes of opera-
tion: video/video, video/key or video-key/shadow.
Video Only
This exists only in the one channel HD mode. The A channel processes full
bandwidth video and the B channel is not accessible. The DVE processor inter-
nally generates the key signal associated with the one channel.
Video+Video - single or dual twin
This mode lets you use the B channel as a video channel. The channel has inde-
pendent control of all keyframe parameters including motion paths, warps, light
sources and textures. The DVE processor internally generates the key signals
associated with these channels. The key signals are full screen “white” with
adjustable opacity and edge softness.
Video+Key - single or dual twin
In this mode, you can manipulate the key signal with all keyframe parameters,
including motion paths, warps, light sources and textures, independently of the
video. This mode is useful for compositing operations.
Video-Key+Shadow - single or dual twin
This mode splits the B channel. The key portion is tied to the A video channel,
and you can offset the key position with sub-pixel timing. You can manipulate
the shadow portion of the B channel independently of the video+key channel,
with all keyframe parameters, including motion paths, warps, light sources, and
textures. This is a full bandwidth drop shadow.