The AEC-671x WINASPI Driver support protect mode WinASPI interface
to improve performance. Please do not enable 32 bit disk access driver
at the save time for AEC-671x. The config is as follows :
The AEC-671x Windows Driver support32-bit disk access under Window
environment, The driver support real 32 bits disk data transfer between
host and the SCSI adapter bus. Support up to 7 hard disk, can coexist
with Wdctrl.386. This driver can coexist with DOS ASPI and WinASPI.
Please use install (Same as the DOS) program to install windows
If you want to manual install, Please reference follows :
Install procedure(manual) as follows:
1. Copy the drivers AEC-671x.386 and TopInt13.386 to your system. It is
recommended that the drivers TopInt13.386 be copied to the Win-
dows SYSTEM directory.(c:\Windows\system)
2. Edit the SYSTEM.ini file found in your Windows directory. Check if the
following line exist in the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file:
If the statement does not exist, add it into the [386Enh] section. If the
statement exists, but 32BitDiskAccess is set to “OFF”, you need to
change it to “ON”.
3. Add the following command lines in the [386Enh] section of the
The [drive:] and [\path\] point to the directory that contains. TopInt13.386
file. Note that the setting must specify the full path of the device drivers.