Add Windows NT with driver
When Windows NT had been installed and you want plug the ACARD
SCSI device on the Windows NT system, that you must use the ADD
SCSI Controller method. The add procedure by following.
(1) ADD SCSI driver from Windows NT 3.51:
< Main >
< Windows NT Setup >
—> press < Option >
< Add/Remove SCSI Adapters> —> press < Add >, then < OK >
< Select SCSI Adapter Option > —> select < OTHER >
—> press < Install >
At the moment, insert the newest AEC-671x driver disc to drive D:
then type in directory “D:\Drivers\Scsi\A671xVx.xx\Disk1 \WINNT”, then
press < OK >,......
Windows NT would install the newest AEC-671x driver to the system.
(2) ADD SCSI driver form Windows NT 4.00 :
< My Computer >
< Control Panel >
< SCSI Adapters >
< Drivers >
< Have Disk >
At the moment, insert the newest AEC-671x driver disc to drive D:
to press <Browse>, then select directory D:\Drivers\Scsi\A671xVx.
xx\Disk1\WINNT, then press < OPEN >, “OK”,......
Windows NT would install the newest AEC-671x driver to the system.