Acard AEC-6710S Скачать руководство пользователя страница 13

3.2.2  Windows  3.X Environment

The AEC6710S/6712S WINASPI Driver supports protection mode
WINASPI interface to improve performance. It also supports 32-bit disk
access under Window environment, and real 32 bits disk data transfer
between host and the SCSI adapter bus. Support up to 7 for Ultra, 15 for
Ultra Wide hard disk, can coexist with Wdctrl.386. This driver can coexist

Automatic Installation

1. Insert DISK2 into floppy drive “A”.
2. Execute A:\>INSTALL”.

Manual Installation

1. Insert DISK2 into floppy drive “A”.
2. Enter 



3. Copy the drivers AEC671x.386 and TopInt13.386 to your

system. It is recommended that copying the drivers
TopInt13.386 to the Windows SYSTEM directory.

4. Edit the SYSTEM.ini file found in your Windows directory.

Check if the following line exist in the [386Enh] section of your

       SYSTEM.INI file:


If the statement does not exist, add it into the [386Enh] section.
If the statement exists, but 32BitDiskAccess is set to 



need to change it to 



5. Add the following command lines in the [386Enh] section of

the SYSTEM.INI file:


The [drive:] and [\path\] point to the directory that contains
TopInt13.386 file. Note that the setting must specify the full
path of the device drivers.

Chapter 3  Software Configuration


Содержание AEC-6710S

Страница 1: ...PCI SCSI Adapter AEC 6710S 6712S Copyright ACARD Technology Corp User s Manual Ver 1 0 Ver 1 0 19990521 6712 12s ...

Страница 2: ... Host Adapter into your system 5 2 1 2 Installing Internal Drives 6 2 1 3 Installing External Drives 7 2 1 4 Installing Both External and Internal Drives 8 Chapter 3 Software Configuration 9 3 1 Introduction 9 3 2 Device Driver Installation 11 3 2 1 DOS Environment 11 3 2 2 WINDOWS 3 X Environment 13 3 2 3 Windows 95 98 Environment 14 3 2 4 Windows NT Environment 21 3 2 5LinuxEnvironment 25 Append...

Страница 3: ...Odiskdrive Opticaldisk WORM TapeDrive CD R RW Scanner etc 1 2 Features 32 bitPCIBusMasterAdapterFASTSCSI 2 UltraSCSI 3 Synchronoustransferrateupto10MB s 6710S 20MB s 6712S Asynchronoustransferrateupto7MB s Powerfuladvancedsetupfunction Supportsdiskcapacityover8 4GB Supportsmulti threadedandmulti taskingOS SupportsScatter Gatheroperation AutomaticFIFOthresholdselection Autoterminatorcontrol 6712Son...

Страница 4: ...lconnector 8 bit 50 pinhighdensityexternalconnector Terminator Passive 6710S Active 6712S 1 4 Board layout 1 5 Jumper Description CN1 50 pinSCSI 3externalconnector CN2 50 pinSCSI 3internalconnector JP1 L E D CN1 Connecttothe50 pinSCSIpintyperoundcableto connect the SCSI devices CN2 Connecttothe50 pinSCSIflatcabletoconnecttheSCSI devices JP1 ThisjumperperformstheSCSILED 4 Chapter 1 Introduction CN2...

Страница 5: ... open your computer case Step4 SelectanunusedPCI expansionslotofyour computer Unscrewthe slot cover and remove it Step5 Usetool whichcanremovestaticcharge e g yourhands todischargeyourcomputerandadapterfrom metal portion Handle your SCSI host adapter on themetal 2Step6 PlugyourAEC6710S 6712Sadaptercardintothe unusedPCIslotwithbottomedgecarefully thenpushit intoslotslowly Trytofitadapter sbracketon...

Страница 6: ...nconnectors either adapter or device Then prepare a ribbon cable whose connectorsmatchyourneed e g 50 pinto50 pin 68 pin to 68 pin or 68 pin to 50 pin Step 2 Find out pin 1 of connectors on cable and host adapter Connect one end of SCSI cable to the connector of host adapteraligningwithpin 1topin 1 Note Usually there is a color line on edge of cable indicating pin 1 of connector Also there a mark ...

Страница 7: ...connect yourpowercoretoyourexternaldevice Cable Connection Let s discuss two different ways to make external cable connection by numberofdevices onlyonedeviceconnectedandmorethanonedevices connected 1 Connecting only one device Step 1 Pleaseidentifythenumberofpinsonconnectors either adapter or device Then prepare a external cablewhoseconnectorsmatchyourneed e g 50 pinto50 pin 68 pinto68 pin or68 p...

Страница 8: ... to the next SCSI device you are going to connect Step 5 Again take another external SCSI cable and connect the remaining device you are about to use with the same way Step6 Disable all terminators of these SCSI devices except the end one whose terminator needs to be enabled 2 1 4 Installing Both External and Internal Drives You can install both external and internal devices with only one adapter ...

Страница 9: ...tion WindowsNTDirectory DirectoryofWinnt AEC671x SYS ForWindowsNT3 xSCSIdevicedriver TXTSETUP OEM OEMSETUP INF Disk2 ROOT INSTALL EXE PC ATDOSdriversinstallprogram INSTALLV BAT DOS VenvironmentDOSdriversinstallprogram INSTALL98 BAT PC 98environmentDOSdriversinstall program DOSDirectory DirectoryofDOS Driversdescription ASPI671x SYS ACARDDOSSCSI 3ASPI AdvancedSCSI ProgrammingInterface driver ASPICD...

Страница 10: ...ility Usage type chgrom or chgrom for help Netware3 1x 4 xDirectory DirectoryofNetware AEC671x DSK ForNetware3 1xand4 xSCSIdevicedriver OS 22 x OS 2WarpDirectory DirectoryofOs 2 OS2671x ADD ForOS 22 xandWarpSCSIdevicedriver SCOUNIXDirectory DirectoryofScounix AEC671x TAR ForSCOUNIXSCSIdevicedriver Windows3 xDirectory DirectoryofWindows README WIN Read mefileforwindows WINASPI DLL driversforwindows...

Страница 11: ...eintoyourfloppydrive 2 ACARDoffersDOSdriversforthreedifferentDOS environments a ForPC ATcompatibleenvironment ExecuteA INSTALL b ForPC ATforJapaneseDOS Venvironment ExecuteA INSTALLV c ForNECPC 98environment ExecuteA INSTAL98 3 Theprogramwillaskforthedirectorytoinstallfilesanddrivers pleasefilloutthedirectoryyouwanttoinstall thenfollowthe direction Chapter 3 Software Configuration 11 ...

Страница 12: ...ur CONFIG SYS and AUTOEXEC EXE files automatically 7 Restartyourcomputer CONFIG SYSwilladdthefollowingmessage n DEVICE C AEC671x ASPI671x SYS o DEVICE C AEC671x ASPICD SYS D MSCD001 p DEVICE c AEC671x ASPIUDD SYS n ForASPIemulator o ForCD ROMdriver p FortheMO HDD RemovableHDDdriver AUTOEXEC BATwillhavethefollowmessage C DOS6 x MSCDEX D MSCD001 ForCD ROMLowleveldriver Chapter 3 Software Configurati...

Страница 13: ...versAEC671x 386andTopInt13 386toyour system Itisrecommendedthatcopyingthedrivers TopInt13 386totheWindowsSYSTEMdirectory c Windows system 4 EdittheSYSTEM inifilefoundinyourWindowsdirectory Checkifthefollowinglineexistinthe 386Enh sectionofyour SYSTEM INIfile 386Enh 32BitDiskAccess ON Ifthestatementdoesnotexist additintothe 386Enh section Ifthestatementexists but32BitDiskAccessissettoOFFyou need to...

Страница 14: ...omatically 5 Shutdownyoursystem Afteryourcompletesoftwareautomaticinstallation plug yourSCSIadapterintoyoursystem Pleasereferto Hardware installation Thenbootupyourcomputer Thesystemwillsetup theconfigurationautomatically ManualInstallProcedure YoucaninstalldrivermanuallyafteryoupluginyourAEC6710S 6712S Thenfollowsthestep 1 Turnonyourcomputerafteryouplugyouradapter 2 Thesystemwilldetectanewdevicea...

Страница 15: ...4 Windowswilltellyouthesystemhasfoundthedriverforitand isgoingtoinstallthedirver Chapter 3 Software Configuration 3 Select Search for the best driver for your device recommended Press Next 15 ...

Страница 16: ...erestdirection systemwillcompletethesetup automatically 7 Restartyourcomputer Chapter 3 Software Configuration 5 Select Specify a location Please type the directory of aec671x inf forit suchasa win95ora win98 16 ...

Страница 17: ...ewhetheryourAEC6710S 6712SisinstalledOK Checkthedevicenameshownonthelistofdevicestoseeifthedevice nameofSCSIadapterisexacttheoneyouhaveinstalledwith BridgeSmart Themethodofentering Device Manager is shown below Step1 Enter My Computer Thenthemessageshowbelow Chapter 3 Software Configuration 17 ...

Страница 18: ...tem Enter Device Manager Click once on SCSI controllers to check whether you installed yourACARDAEC6710S 6712Sadapterproperly Step2 Double click on Control Panel message will show as follows Chapter 3 Software Configuration 18 ...

Страница 19: ... installation Youmaygoto ControlPanel tochangedriverfollowing theprocedurebelow 1 Goto DeviceManager 2 SelectonSCSIcontroller If you find a mark of on front of SCSI Controller that means you didn t install your SCSI adapter properly see graph below UpdatingDriverinWindows95 98Environment Chapter 3 Software Configuration 19 ...

Страница 20: ...tocompletetheinstallation IftheWindows95 98systemcannotdeterminewhatdeviceisyour AEC6710S 6712S itwillshowtheyellowquestionmarkonfrontofthe OtherDeviceinsteadoftheSCSIController YoucanselecttheOther Deviceicontochangethedriver PleaserefertotheportionofUpdating DriverinWindows95 98Environment Chapter 3 Software Configuration 20 ...

Страница 21: ...drivershouldbehighlighted Press Enter to proceed 8 NTshouldnowrecognizetheACARDMiniportdriverandtheSCSI hardware Then followtheMicrosoftWindowsNTinstallaiton 9 Setupprogramwillasktoinsertdriverdisk pleaseinsertDISK1into floppydriveA InstallDriverforWindowsNT WhenWindowsNThavebeeninstalledandyouwantplugtheACARD SCSIdeviceontheWindowsNTsystem youmustusetheADDSCSI Controller methodbyfollowing ADD SCS...

Страница 22: ...dowsNTwouldinstallthenewestAEC671xdrivertothesystem Add SCSI driver into Windows NT 4 00 1 Doubleclickon My Computer Enter Control Panel 2 Double click on SCSI Adapters Chapter 3 Software Configuration 22 ...

Страница 23: ...3 ChooseDriversthenpresson Add 4 ThesystemwillfindACARDController Press HaveDisk Chapter 3 Software Configuration 23 ...

Страница 24: ...6 Thenfollowthedirectiontocompletetheinstallation 5 TypethedirectoryofdriverforWindowsNTsuchas A WINNT Chapter 3 Software Configuration 24 ...

Страница 25: ...ootablekernel Thedriverfilesatp870u cand atp870u harelocatedin usr src linux drivers scsidirectory Ifyoudidn t findthese2filesresidinginthedirectory refertothereadme htmlto knowwheretoputourdriverandwhichsystemfilesshouldbemodified Followingtheproceduresofre buildingakernelaccordingtotheuser manualoftheLinuxyouhave ThankMr JesperKjarPedersenverymuchforwritingthereadme html forACARDSCSIadapter 25 ...

Страница 26: ... IRQ SystemConfiguration MainBoardvender BIOSversion Chipset Memory Displaycard OtherI Ocard OperatingSystemversion HardDiskConfiguration HardDiskModel type Capacity Firmwareversion SCSIDeviceConnect Scanner model CD ROMmodel CD R RWmodel TapeorDAT MO RemovableDevice Others ProblemDescription Answersolution 26 ...
