The microsponge does not stay in the cartridge crown.
The microsponge ist still too dry.
Take the crown lid included with the package and put it on the cartridge crown.
The water has a strange smell and taste.
The cartridge is not rinsed enough yet.
The water used had a very low quality, like sulphur-containing water or water with a high
level of manganese.
The AcalaQuell cartridge is used up.
The microsponge has a smelling film stemming from the water pipes.
The smell can originate if substances such as sulphur are withheld, and they are concentrated
on the microsponge.
Rinse the filter with another 4 litres of water.
a. Check the quality of the water which you are using.
b. Filter the same water a second time.
c. Renew the filter cartridge.
d. Wash out the sponge more often.
Green spots or a film shows up on the microsponge, in the upper tank, and eventually also in
the drinking water container.
The water contains a lot of nitrates and the filter is too close to a light source. Nitrates
promote plant growth. Algae can develop due to nitrates and light.
Replace the AcalaQuell cartridge and the microsponge and clean all the plastic parts with a
household solution, e.g. citric acid (for disinfection). Place the jug preferably in a dark area as
prevention. This first film is normally not dangerous at all to the health. However, you should
clean the jug immediately, since algae can develop very quickly.