filtration systems. This instrument is not suitable for measuring liquid pressure and doing so
will cause irreparable damage.
The SPC-01 controller comes complete with a DAC (Digital to Analogue Converter) with an
output between the range of 1.6v to 10v which when used in conjunction with a speed-controlled
device such a vehicle cabin air pressuriser or inverter, it is capable of controlling pressure up to
1000 Pascals. For vehicle cabin pressure control 50 Pascals is usually the preferred working
This instrument is designed to operate in the voltage range of 12 to 24vdc and the internal
Power Supply is capable of operating at up to 50vdc for short durations which makes it ideal for
automotive applications, awhile only consuming 40mA of power at 24vdc and 20mA of power at
Please note: This instrument is not designed to operate with AC voltages!
Pressure measurement is achieved through a 14-bit digital differential pressure sensor with the
capability of reading pressure up to +/- 2000 Pascals. The sensor burst pressure is 10,000
Please note: Do not blow air using your mouth or use compressed air on either of the ports to
test this instrument as those pressures will cause permanent damage to the sensor and will
void your instrument warranty!
Standard Equipment
The SPC-01 controller is supplied as standard with the following features:
Pressure measurement to +/- 2000 pascals with 1 pascal resolution.
DAC output (1.6 to 10v) with pressure control from 1 to 1000 Pascals.
Factory adjustable pressure setpoint from 10 to 1000 Pascals.
Factory pressure calibration for zero and span.
Electrical wiring
This instrument electrical wiring should be carried out by a qualified electrician! Although the
voltages involved are low, there is still a significant risk of electrical shock and possible
electrical fire and damage to electrical wiring if it is not carried out correctly. If in doubt, please
seek assistance and ensure the installation is safe for use!
Please use an in-line fuse rated at a maximum of 1A on the +12/24V input to the controller for
protection to the controller and cabling.