The opening angle, where the operator changes from initial speed
to final speed. (1 digit = approx. 2°)
Ensure adequate angle for final speed!
The closing angle where the operator changes from initial speed
to final speed. (1 digit = approx. 2°)
The operator's force requires adjustment to suit door
weight. Use lowest possible value to ensure the smooth function
of safety feature.
Delay = 0..15 seconds. When the operator receives the opening
impulse, the lock is released immediately but the door is delayed
in opening to accommodate for the locks release..
Adjust the opening speed so that the safety feature is not activated.
Adjust the final speed in order so that the door stops at the open
Hold-open time for outside impulse. Time starts when the door is in
open position. The outside impulse can be inhibited. Check page 20:
External connections
The acceleration of the door affects to smoothness of the operator
or how sharp the door reacts to e.g. wind pressure. Value 10 = fast
acceleration, Value 0 = slow acceleration.
Adjust the closing speed so that the safety feature is not activated.
Adjust the final speed so that the door stop smoothly in its
closed position.
Hold open angle. (1 digit = approx. 2°)