5. Bypass Voltage Windows
Sensitivity: Select Sensitivity Low/Sensitivity
Sensitivity Low
Sensitivity High
110V System
130V 97V
220V System
260V 194V
6. Syn-Frequency Window
Select 3Hz/1Hz Inverter Freq synchronizing
7. Com Port
Select the Com Port of PC
8. Click on “Write” to confirm the configuration settings. The UPS will beep
twice to acknowledge setting is successful.
9. Turn off the UPS and unplug input power cord from AC Power Utility
receptacle to shutdown whole unit without internal power supply existing,
after setting is complete. 3 seconds later reconnect input power cord into
AC Power Utility receptacle and turn on the UPS, referring to the section
4.4 Operation. The UPS will perform in new settings.
*CF50/CF60 = Frequency Converter mode 50 to 60Hz or vice versa
**Sensitivity Low
90/180~130/260V, High: 97/194~130/260V
3.3.2. Programmable outlet setting
The UPS is equipped with 2 programmable outlets for use to supply to less
critical loads. These outlets can be disabled to shed the less critical loads during
back-up modes or overload conditions to maintain quality power supply to the
more critical loads connected to the UPS.
Click on the “Programmable outlet setting” bar to enter to the setting screen as
shown below.