To take off your Snug Vest:
1) Remove the pump from the Pump Pocket:
Make sure that the pump is stable on a flat surface, and will
not fall while you take off the Snug Vest.
a. Pull the zipper to open the Pump Pocket.
b. Remove the pump from the Pump Pocket.
c. Place the pump on a flat surface.
2) Take off the Snug Vest:
a. Unzip the Vest Zipper on the front of the Snug Vest.
This will loosen the fit of the Snug Vest and make the Snug Vest easier
to remove.
b. Remove the Snug Vest over your head.
Disposing of your Snug Vest:
Dispose of the device according to your local government ordinances and
recycling plans. Otherwise contact AbbVie for help with device disposal. Each
device is for single patient use only and cannot be re-sold or used on multiple