2.1 General
UniGear ZVC is three-phase, air-insulated, type
tested and factory-assembled indoor switchgear
panel designed for the operation, control and
protection of motors and transformers at rated
voltages up to 7.2 kV and rated current up to
400 A. Other applications are possible and
should be referred to the manufacturer. The
panels are designed as withdrawable fused
vacuum contactor modules and are fitted with
a single busbar system.
Details of the technical design and configuration
of individual switchboards, such as the technical
data, detailed equipment lists for the individual
panels and comprehensive circuit documentation,
can be found in the relevant order documents.
2.2 Standards and specifications
UniGear ZVC switchgear panels comply with
standards and specifications for type tested
factory-assembled high voltage switchgear to
IEC publications.
Other relevant IEC publications for components
All other corresponding IEC publications, national
or local safety at work regulations and safety
regulations for production materials must be
followed during erection and operation of
UniGear ZVC switchgear. In each case the
order-related data from ABB must be taken
into account.
2.3 Operating conditions
2.3.1 Normal operating conditions
The switchgear is basically suitable for normal
operating conditions for indoor switchgear
and switchboards in accordance with IEC. The
following limit values, among others, apply:
The maximum site altitude is 1000 m above sea
level. For higher site altitude, refer to order
related data.
2.3.2 Special operating conditions
The switchgear is suitable for operation in
climate of Wda type according to IEC. Special
operating conditions must be discussed with
the manufacturer in advance. For example:
At site altitudes above 1000 m, the effects of
the reduction in dielectric strength of the air
on the insulation level must be taken into
account (refer to 2/1)
Increased ambient temperatures must be
compensated for in the design of the busbars and
branch conductors as well as for the withdrawable
parts, otherwise the current carrying capacity
will be limited. Heat dissipation in the switchgear
panel can be assisted by fitting additional
ventilation facilities
IEC publication
60470 & 60529
62271-200 & 60298
Components covered
Motor starter & contactor
Earthing switch
Degree of protection
Arc fault containment
IP4X external closure
IP2X internal
shutters & partitions
Ambient temperature
Maximum 24 h average
Minimum (according to “minus 5 indoor class”)
Ambient humidity
Maximum 24 h average of relative humidity
Maximum 24 h average of water vapour pressure
Maximum monthly average of relative humidity
Maximum monthly average of water vapour pressure
95% RH
2.2 kPa
90% RH
1.8 kPa
2 Description
When switchgear is operated in areas with high
humidity and/or major rapid temperature
fluctuations, there is a risk of dew deposits
which must remain an exception in normal
operating conditions for indoor switchgear.
Preventive action (e.g. fitting electric heaters)
must be taken in consultation with the
manufacturer to avoid this condensation
phenomenon and any resulting corrosion or
other adverse effects. The control of the heaters
depends on the relevant project and details
must be taken for the order documents.