Field mountable paperless recorder
4 Operation
IM/SM500F Rev. Z
Select the Configuration Level – see Section 7, page 65.
Select the Logging Level – see Section 5.1, page 47.
Select to add one of 24 predefined Operator Messages (see Section 7.6.6,
page 83) or one User-Defined Message to the alarm event log.
If '< user defined >' is selected, a data entry keyboard appears to enable the
message to be entered (see Fig. 7.6, page 71).
The selected or user-defined message is displayed briefly on screen. If 'Operator
Messages' annotation is selected in the Chart view Operator menu (see ’Chart
Annotation', page 33) the message is also added to the Chart view.
if the Totalizer software option is not enabled, all Totalizer menu selections
are greyed-out in the menu (color recorders) or are blanked-out when selected in
the menu (monochrome recorders).
Select 'Show Statistics' / 'Show Totalizers' to switch between the totalizer value
display and totalizer statistics display (i.e. totalizer maximum, minimum and
average values).
If both totalizers on one channel are enabled and:
'Show Totalizers' is selected – the tag, current value and units for both
totalizers are displayed together in the channel's indicator.
'Show Statistics' is selected – the tag, units, maximum, minimum and
average values for each totalizer are displayed in turn for 5 seconds in the
channel's indicator.
Select to stop and start individual totalizers.
Channel totalizers that have not been enabled in the Configuration level are
greyed-out in the menu (color recorders) or are blanked-out when selected in the
menu (monochrome recorders).
When a totalizer is not running (i.e. 'Stop' has been selected), the
corresponding totalizer value is shown in red (color recorders) or white text on a
black background (monochrome recorders).
Select to reset the totalizer value to the totalizer preset value.
Channel totalizers that have not been enabled in the Configuration level are
greyed-out in the menu (color recorders) or are blanked-out when selected in the
menu (monochrome recorders).