2TLC010073M0201 Rev.G
The safety relay starts in configuration mode the first time it is used. Configuration mode is
indicated with flashing segments on the display. The safety relay must be configured and
power cycled (power off and on) before it is in operation. The safety relay can be configured
into preset mode or custom mode.
The safety relay must be in configuration mode in order to change the settings. To enter
configuration mode, enter correct password or perform a factory reset. The factory preset
password is 000. Navigate through available presets by pressing the increment button. The
custom mode is available after the last preset choice.
A safety relay in preset mode does not have the password function.
Before a new configuration of a preset configured safety relay is
possible, a factory reset must be performed.
Two buttons are used to navigate in the configuration menus for preset mode and custom
Increment button (A)
The Increment button is used to increase the value that is shown on the display, for example
the value for a timer setting or to step to the next option in a setting.
To increase the value for a setting:
• Push the Increment button 0.1‑0.5 s.
Select button (B)
The Select button is used to step between settings and to confirm settings.
To step between settings:
• Push the Select button 0.1 – 0.5 s.
To confirm a setting:
• Push and hold the Select button more than 0.5 s.