Manual Power Quality Filter PQFM
The PQF-Manager user interface 163
WARNING: Failing to terminate the communication bus properly will lead to equipment
malfunction and equipment damage.
8.4 Step 3: Voltage rating check/adaptation and phase rotation
The active filter nominal voltage setting must be adapted to the actual network
voltage by adjusting the tap setting of the auxiliary transformer. If the tap setting
for your network voltage is not available, then choose a tap just above the
network voltage present (e.g. for 390V network choose 400V tap setting). The
auxiliary transformer is situated at the bottom right side of the filter (Cf.
, item 3 for CE filters). Ensure that the filter panel is isolated before changing
the transformer tap setting.
By default the tap setting of the auxiliary transformer is set at the highest voltage
position at the filter production stage.
WARNING: The PQFM is able to operate on networks where the supply voltage is up to
10% higher (inclusive of harmonics but not transients) or lower than the equipment
rated voltage. Since operation at the upper limits of voltage and temperature may
reduce its life expectancy, the PQFM should not be connected to systems for which it
is known that the overvoltage will be sustained indefinitely. Auxiliary circuits are
designed to operate in a +/- 10 % range of the equipment nominal auxiliary voltage
(230 Vrms, internally derived). Excessive (auxiliary) voltage levels may lead to filter
WARNING: The tap setting of the auxiliary transformer’s primary should be adapted
according to the network voltage to avoid a too high or too low auxiliary voltage. If
the tap setting for your network voltage is not available, then choose a tap just above
the network voltage present (e.g. for 390V network choose 400V tap setting).
Excessive (auxiliary) voltage levels will lead to filter damage.
The voltage phase rotation at the active filter incoming power supply terminals
must be clockwise (L1 (R,U) -> L2 (Y,V) -> L3 (B,W) -> L1 (R,U)).
WARNING: Applying voltage to the filter to check the phase rotation may only be done
after ensuring that the network voltage level is acceptable for the filter operation and
after it has been found that the filter is not mechanically nor electrically damaged.
When checking the phase rotation with a phase rotation meter on the filter power supply
terminals, ensure that the auxiliary fuse box is open during the measurement process.