100 The PQF-Manager user interface
Manual Power Quality Filter PQFM
will appear. No modification can be made to the settings
The software lock is switched on in the menu [/Welcome/Settings/Installation
In order to unlock the system go to the same menu. After giving the appropriate
password, the system will be unlocked. The password is a four-digit number, which is
set by default to:
Entering the password is done by choosing the right value numeric keyboard which
appears on the screen. The password can be changed in the menu
[/Welcome/Settings/Installation set/Change Password]. Entering the new password is
done the same way and confirming the password by re-entering the same.
If hardware and software lock are combined, the hardware lock has priority over the
software lock.
Note: In active filter systems consisting of more than one master, the PQF-Manager of
the master that has the control over the system has full functionality and the PQF-
Managers of the other master units have limited functionality. The hardware lock in the
master has no effect on access level of parameters in the slave modules like warning
(alarm …). To disable these settings the hardware lock of each PQF-Manager must be
7.7 The PQF start, stop and fault acknowledgement menu
WARNING: The active filter should only be started when it has been installed and
commissioned according to the guidelines of this manual. Failure to adhere to this
guideline may damage the filter and void warranty.
Refer to
Chapter 8
for more information on commissioning the filter.
‘The PQF start, stop and fault acknowledgement’ menu can only be accessed in the main
‘Welcome’ screen [/Welcome/PQF]
‘The start, stop and fault acknowledgement’ menu is the default menu for starting,
stopping and resetting the filter.
As can be seen in
the ‘start, stop and fault acknowledgement’ menu behaves
differently depending on the filter status.