6 Gateway Terminal Configuration
The terminal configuration is a way to set and store a configuration within the gateway.
One major
is that this configuration is stored locally in the gateway and when replacing the unit the
new unit needs to be configured via terminal in the same way as the old.
Therefore this is way of configure the gateway is
not recommended
because there maybe
problems regarding documentation of the gateway setting and the problem related to gateway
For terminal connection with the Pluto gateway see chapter 1.3.
6.1.1 Additional Data
See main manual for terminal configuration!
6.2 DIP-switch Setting
To enable terminal configuration the DIP-switch SW1 need to be set in PROG mode. This is done
by switch SW1:1 and SW1:2 to ON. This will disable the reset of the SW1 function e.g. the MAC
address setting.
The switch shall then not be changed
Both the DeviceNet MAC address and baudrate setting shall be done via the terminal setup
commands, see next chapter.
6.3 View Help
After connection to the gateway and power up the unit the terminal will give something like this on
the screen.
DeviceNet gateway
Name : GATE-D2
Vendor id : 950
Device type : 0
Product code : 1000
Serial number: 1065
Software ver : 3.4
Software date: 2010-11-26