NAL/NALF – Mounting and operation manual
5.0 Mounting the hand operating mechanism type HE
The bevel gears are mounted with the switch in open posi-
stion as shown in Fig. 7.
The inclination of the operating tube must not exeed 40°, see
Fig. 8. Drilling of the operating tube, see Fig. 9.
5.1 Instruction of installation and adjustment of switch di-
sconnector type NAL/NALF with hand operation mechanism
Step by step.
1. Take out the NAL from the box. Open the contact knives to
maximum position and connect the drawbars (disconnected for
transport) with shaft. Install NAL on support construction in
open position, see Fig. 10.
2. Opening spring is not charged (apply to NAL/NALF with
A mechanism), see Fig. 11.
3. Install the bevel gear on the NAL/NALF shaft (and earthing
switch). Be sure the wheels are in the correct position – the lar-
ger should be located to the right side – on switch disconnector
– on earthing switch – to the left, see Fig. 12.
4. Install the hand operation type HE. Between cardanic joint and
bevel gear. Put the connection rod (pipe
=26.9 mm) between
the cardanic joint and the bevel gear. Mark the position for the
bolt hole and drill a hole not more than
=10 mm for this bolt,
see Fig. 13.
Fig. 7
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 7 NAL disconnector with earthing switch | Fig. 8 Hand operating mechanism | Fig. 9 Connection rod | Fig. 10-11 Mounting of hand opera-
ting mechanism HE
Max. 40°
Fig. 8