Hardware description
Contents of this chapter
This chapter contains a short description of the FEA-03 F-series extension adapter and the
optical component types.
The FEA-03 is an extension adapter that is used to install I/O extension modules and encoder
interface modules outside the drive unit.
The FEA-03 extension adapter increases the number of F-series option modules that can
be connected to the control unit of the drive. One or two option modules can be installed
on one extension adapter.
The extension adapter is connected to the drive via a fiber-optic link using the DDCS protocol.
This figure shows the layout of the FEA-03 F-series extension adapter. The F-series module
connectors and front components such as the diagnostic LEDs, the fiber-optic transmitter
(V1T) and receiver (V1R), and the power supply connector are shown.
Hardware description 11