ABB | SACE Emax 2
Electronic accessories | 6 - Other accessories
71 | © 2017
1SDH000999R0002 - ECN000058721 - Rev. B
Ekip Signalling 10K modules
The Ekip Signalling 10K is an accessory module for external signaling that can be installed on a standard 35
mm DIN rail (DIN EN 50022 type TS 35x15 mm).
The module has:
• Ten programmable output contacts.
• Ten or eleven programmable digital inputs.
• A power-on LED, and twenty or twenty-one signalling LEDs (one for each output/input).
The module can be set-up in four different configurations:
• One in the case of connection to a Link bus network.
• Three configurations in the case of connection via Local Bus (to allow up to three modules to be connected
to the same trip unit).
The module can be supplied by 110...240 V AC / DC or 24...48 V DC.
Further information on Ekip Signalling 10K is available on the web site http://www.abb.com/abblibrary/
DownloadCenter/, in particular in the manual
IMPORTANT: make sure that you have read the recommendations concerning safety
and prevention of unauthorized access.
Ekip Signalling Modbus TCP
The Ekip Signalling Modbus TCP is an external accessory module that can be installed on a standard 35 mm
DIN rail (DIN EN 50022 type TS 35 x 15 mm).
Its function is to share, via an Ethernet network with Modbus TCP communication protocol, information about
the state of circuit-breakers that may even be without the ability to provide such information via Ethernet, and
to allow these circuit-breakers to be operated via remote control.
The module has 11 digital inputs and 10 output contacts:
• The inputs allow the state of the circuit-breakers and other information to be monitored
• The outputs allow the circuit-breakers to be operated
Each input and output is associated with a state led.
The module can operate in three modes:
CB Supervisor
The module can be associated with a single circuit-breaker, which can be
selected from a list. Configuration of the inputs and output is pre-defined.
Multi MCCB Supervisor
The module can be associated with up to five circuit-breakers.
Configuration of the inputs and output is pre-defined.
mode available with moulded case circuit-breakers
Free I/O
The inputs and outputs can be fully configured by the user.
The module can be supplied by 110...240 V AC / DC or 24...48 V DC.
Further details about Ekip Signalling Modbus TCP are available on the website http://www.abb.com/
abblibrary/ DownloadCenter/, and especially in manual
IMPORTANT: make sure that you have read the recommendations concerning safety
and prevention of unauthorized access.