Page 15 November, 2001
Temporary cotton tape
Drive shaft
Figure 20. Drive shaft tied in position to the superstructure.
14. Assemble the Connecting Tube to the ball-end fitting of the Operating mechanism the same
way as the Inter-Phase Shafts were assembled to the individual DTW decks.
15. Slide the Operating Mechanism with the Connecting Tube through the mounting boss onto
the Main Drive shaft. The slot in the Connecting Shaft should engage the spring pins on the
Main Drive Shaft. Note: the spring pin should not be forced against the bottom end of the
Connecting Shaft slot. There should be approximately 0.25 to 0.50 inches of space between
the pin and the bottom of the slot. The purpose for this clearance space is to provide for
movement of parts due to thermal movement of the transformer. See Figure 21 and 22.
M ain D rive Shaft
C onnecting T ube
Interphase shaft
M ounting B oss
O perating M echanism
Figure 21. Assembly