Functional description
ABB i-bus
“Slave” operation mode
The Slave mode will activate directly over the object “
Slave mode ON/OFF”
not over a parameter.
Individual DALI devices of the DALI-Gateway can be operated as a slave. In
Slave mode,
the DALI device is priority controlled via the 8-bit
communication object “Brightness value”. This mode is activated commonly
for all DALI devices (Channel x “Selected Device Slave Mode”) or
individually for each device. For individual control, the device should be
selected via the object “Selected Device” and subsequently switched on (“1”)
or off (“0”) via the object “Selected Device Slave Mode”. In slave mode, it is
possible to implement central lighting control. A master control unit (e.g. the
light controller LR/S or presence detector PM/A) sends brightness values in
8-bit format which controls the DALI devices via the DALI-Gateway. The
1-byte control value is transferred via the communication object xy "Set
Brightness Value" (xy = 01…64) of the DALI-Gateway.
After switching on the slave mode (value “1” on the communication object
“Selected Device Slave mode”), the brightness value last received from the
communication object “Set Brightness Value” is set. If the slave mode is
switched on, the brightness can only be controlled via the object Device xy
“Brightness value/Status”. The communication objects Device xy
“Switch/Status” and "Relative Dimming” are blocked, i.e. telegrams received
at this object will not be carried out. The exceptions are central (broadcast)
channel commands which are received via the objects Channel x “On/Off”
and Channel x “Relative Dimming”. Both these objects are available without
After switching off the slave mode (value “0” to the communication object
“Device Slave Mode”), the current brightness value is retained. The control
of the channel via the object Device xy “Switch/Status” and Device xy
“Relative Dimming” are again released.
The central control (broadcast function) of the entire channel
thus has a higher priority than the slave mode of individual
The slave mode is deactivated after a download or
EIB / KNX voltage recovery.
The slave mode can be activated for all devices of channel x with just a
single “1” telegram via the object Channel x “Channel slave mode on/off”.
The slave mode can be deactivated for individual devices without
influencing the state of the slave mode of other devices via the individual
objects Channel x “Selected Device Slave Mode”.