ABB Automation
Protocol Editing Tool
CAP 505
Customer feedback
User’s Guide
Information related to internal handling of the report (not obligatory).
You can issue the report by clicking the Issue Feedback button. This will send the
report to the selected person and change its status to “in progress”.
When ABB Substation Automation Oy receives a Customer Feedback report it is
analysed by a sales person or a representative of the technical support. The analyser
may ask for additional information in order to complete the analysis. After the
report has been analysed, the following actions will be taken:
• In case of a clear error the report will be moved to the change management
system of ABB Substation Automation Oy. In this system the error will be
analysed in detail and corrected in a future patch release or major release
depending on the severity and impact of the error.
• In case of an improvement proposal the report will also be moved to the change
management system where it will be considered as a requirement for future
• In case of a query an answer will be provided.
When Customer Feedback reports are handled in the change management system,
the outcome can be one of the following:
No Actions
This means that it is decided that the
report requires no further action. For
example, if the problem is caused by a
configuration error, it belongs to this
Will be implemented in patch/current releaseThis means that the correction or a
new feature will be available in the
next official program release.
Moved to future release
This means that the new feature will
be available in a new program release
in the near future.