ABB Automation
Protocol Editing Tool
CAP 505
3. Protocol Editing Tool
User’s Guide
checksum is the same as the value read from the channel corresponding to the
protocol number of the configuration. Consistent configurations are shown in the list
with white background color. Configurations that are colored grey, are used for
inconsistent configurations.
Inconsistency means that General values and Protocol attribute values might not
match. The general values are stored in a file and the protocol attribute values are
uploaded or downloaded from/to the device. (If a row was missing in the General
columns, and protocol attribute values would be uploaded to the computer, there
would be inconsistency as the row values in the table would not match.)
It is strongly recommended that you use a consistent configuration. If you still want
to open an inconsistent configuration, it is recommended that you first upload the
whole POD table from the relay.
You can download a table in a normal way. The first time you download a table you
have to download all cells in the table (if a POD table is inconsistent you can only
download and upload all the cells in the table). Please see Chapter 3.6.1 for more
information. After uploading an inconsistent table, the signal names will be lost.
Therefore all function blocks and their signals can be considered inactive (the cell
texts are therefore italic). In this case the settings in the “Active Function Blocks”
dialog have no meaning.
If the "Show signals of Active Function Blocks" function is chosen, the table fields
seem to be empty. Choose "Show signals of InActive Function Blocks" from the
"View" menu in order to view the table. FB sorting is not possible in an inconsistent
Editing a table is done according to standard procedures. Since the signal names are
missing, you might need to refer to a protocol manual for guidance.
Editing tables
Some of the columns in the main dialog tables are not editable at the basic level.
These columns are the “Signal name” and “Signal state” general columns. Some of
the protocol specific attributes can also be read-only at the basic level. (This is
specified by the advanced level users in the protocol image.)
The tables in the main dialog can be edited in three different ways:
• Direct text edited in a table cell after double-clicking the cell or by pressing
“Enter” when the cell is active.
• In an external dialog, which appears when a cell has been double-clicked. This is
the case of e.g. the protocol specific column which is handled as “In Use” column
and the column types that require external dialog for editing (“Option group”,
“Switch group” etc.)
• In an external dialog after a couple of cells have been selected in the “Fast edit”