Modbus master
TCP/IP Network
PLC Modbus slaves
GUID-71683BC6-5333-4552-9548-0E1B55B7ECD7 V2 EN
Figure 5:
Serial master to network slaves mode
In that mode, the device routes serial Modbus packets to network and performs
conversions between serial and network protocols. The routing based on Modbus
addressing allows intelligent use of network resources, which is especially useful for
pay-per-use networks like GPRS. The settings consist of two parts, common settings
and settings for each route.
Network master to serial slaves
When the PLC/RTU slaves supporting serial based Modbus communication are
required to be controlled over TCP/IP networks, the device on the slave side must be
in the “Network master to serial slaves” mode.
Section 9
1MRS758460 B
Modbus application settings
ARG600 Dual SIM Variant
User Manual