Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions | 0073-1-8652
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The IP gateway has a user interface that can be reached via an Internet browser. The user interface can be
opened from every computer that is part of the same network as the gateway that is to be configured.
For the initial startup of the IP gateway a few basic settings need to be made in this user interface.
Three options are available to you for commissioning:
Version 1 - UPnP
Comm issioning with the Windows UPnP service (Windows Vista or higher)
Version 2 - DNS Server
Commissioning via a router with DNS server
Version 3 - Manual
Manual commissioning
Version 4 - IP address
Enter IP address directly
Information regarding documentation
The Windows Windows 7 interface is used to describe the configuration options.
P os: 17 / #Neus truk tur#/Onlin e-Dokum enta tion (+KNX )/S t eue rmo dule - O nline-D oku ment ation (- -> Fü r alle D oku ment e < --) /++ ++ +++++ ++ + S eite nu mbr uch +++ ++ ++ +++ ++ @ 9\ mod _12688 986 680 93_0 .docx @ 5 214 9 @ 1222 212 222 222 @ 1