Clearspan® Product Overview R19
Aastra – 2740-007
2014 Clearspan® is a Registered Trademark of Aastra Technologies Ltd.
Page 68 of 93
The Call Center reports are designed to provide supervisors with a clear understanding of the
performance of the call center as a whole, or individual agents. Agents, supervisors, and
administrators use reports to obtain the key performance indicators from either a real-time or
historical perspective. There are over a dozen pre-created canned reports provided as part of the
solution, and additional reports may be added by creating custom reports.
Real-time reports can provide performance data up to the current time. In these cases,
the users select the time period (start-time and end-time) of the interval of interest. When
not provided, the end time is assumed to be the current time (that is, the time at which the
report request is executed).
Historical reports provide data up to a specified time that occurred in the past. In these
cases, the user must select the start time and the end time of the report time interval.
The data collected by the reports can be presented in either tabular or graphical form. A sampling
of some of the available reports is shown in the following figure. The number of Calls by Call Type
can be displayed in a pie chart showing the percentage and counts for each type of call handled by
the agent(s) for the reporting period.
Figure 40. Call Center Reporting Pie Chart View.
Alternatively, the Number of Calls by Call Type can be displayed in tabular form. The table includes
a row per interval for each agent who is active over the interval. It also includes the following
summary rows:
Figure 41. Call Center Reporting Table View.