When you have finished the programming options, a quick test is required to confirm all hardware and
software is working correctly.
Run through the steps below and tick the box if it operates successfully.
Make sure no one is moving around the house, as this could affect the test.
1. The keypad should not have any zone lights on. The ready light should be on steady.
Are all the lights right? yes
if no there could be a wiring problem check your work.
2. Get someone else to walk in front of the sensors, the corresponding zone 1 or 2 should come on.
Do they come on at the right time? yes
if no there could be a wiring problem check your work.
3. Now test all the user codes. Start by typing in user code 1 followed by enter, the keypad should start
beeping as it arms, then type it in again, the keypad should go quiet as it disarms.
Repeat this test for all user codes.
Do all of the codes arm and disarm the panel? yes
if no go back and check the user code slots, to
see weather the right codes has been entered.
4. Next to press the ARM button, to see if there is enough time to get out of the house, before the exit delay
beeps stop.
Can you get out before the beeps stop? yes
if no you will need to extend the exit delay.
5. Now with the panel ARMED see if you can get back inside to the keypad and disarm the alarm before the
sirens go off.
Can you disarm before the sirens go off? yes
if no you will need to increase the entry delay times.
6. The final test is to make sure the sirens and strobe go off after the entry delay has finished. So arm the
alarm, wait for the beeps to stop then move in front of a sensor, the keypad should start beeping again and as
soon as the entry delay is up the sirens and strobe will go off, once checked enter a user code to disarm and
turn of the sounders.
Does the external siren work? yes
Does the external strobe work? yes
Does the internal siren work? yes
if no to any of these check wiring and polarity of devices.
The alarm panel is now ready for general use
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