A-Link RoadRunnerAP
Dual-Band Wireless Gigabit Router
4.4.7 WPS
WPS is designed to ease set up of security Wi-Fi networks and subsequently network
management. This router supports WPS features for AP mode, AP+WDS mode,
Infrastructure-Client mode, and the wireless root interface of Universal Repeater mode.
Disable WPS:
Check this box and clicking “Apply” will disable WPS function. WPS is
turned on by default.
WPS Status:
When Router’s settings are factory default, it is set to open security and
un-configured state, some registers such as Vista WCN can configure AP. Otherwise If it
already shows “Configured”, it means that the router has setup its security.
Self-PIN Number:
It is AP’s PIN.
Start PBC:
Clicking this button will invoke the Pus Button Configuration of WPS. If one
station wants to connect to the AP, it must click its PBC button in two minute.
Client PIN Number:
The length of PIN is limited to four or eight numeric digits. If the AP
and Station input the same PIN and click “Start PIN” button in two minutes, they will
establish connection and setup their security key.
4.4.8 Schedule
This page allows you setup the wireless schedule rule. Please do not forget to configure
system time before enable this feature.