P/N 1010751 Rev. G 01/08
Multi-purpose steaMer - Mps-250
iNstallatioN (continued)
Multi-Purpose Steamer
Water Pressure
Regulator Assembly
Kit #7000235
#8 Bracket Screws (3)
Male Quick Disconnect Insert
Figure 3. Connecting Water supply to MPs-250
roCKer sWitCh (PoWer oN/oFF)
When the power is on (Figure 4), the control board
is activated and a thermostat senses generator tem-
perature. If generator temperature is below the factory
preset setpoint, power is applied to the generator until
setpoint is reached. The generator is constantly moni-
tored and power is regulated to maintain temperature
MeNu ButtoNs
When any menu button is pressed and released, power
is supplied to the solenoid, the solenoid operates and
water sprays onto the heated steam generator. The
water flashes immediately into live steam and shoots
down onto the product.
One of two operational modes can be used:
timed Cycle
siNGle shot
siNGle shot
button (Figure 4), is pressed to
initiate a single timed shot. The control board applies
power to the solenoid and a timed “shot” of steam
tiMed CYCle
The desired timed cook cycle (up to 99 minutes, 59
seconds) is selected by pressing and releasing any of
the four menu buttons (Figure 4). The main control
board applies power to the solenoid at regular intervals
for the duration of the displayed cycle time. The dis-
play counts down to zero when the cycle is complete,
then reverts back to the original programmed cycle
time and the unit is ready for the next cycle.
iMPortaNt: Your Multi-Purpose steamer is
factory programmed for the following on each of
its four channels except for models 9100336 and
9100346 (see “exception” on next page).
Channel 1: 6 BuNs
• Total Cycle Time (CYC) = 30 seconds [0030]
(Range: 1 sec to 99 mins 59 secs)
• Shot Interval Time (RATE) = 6 seconds [0006]
(Range: 1 sec to 5 mins 59 secs)
• Steam Shot Time (SHOT) =
0.70 seconds
(Range: 0.10 sec to 2.50 secs)
Channel 2: 4 BuNs
• Total Cycle Time (CYC) = 20 seconds [0020]
(Range: 1 sec to 99 mins 59 secs)
• Shot Interval Time (RATE) = 5 seconds [0005]
(Range: 1 sec to 5 mins 59 secs)
• Steam Shot Time (SHOT) =
0.70 seconds
(Range: 0.10 sec to 2.50 secs)
Inlet Hose Assy. 0010503
(See page 20)