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ECO Line Compressors Instruction Manual
In zones with noise level > 85 dB, the operator must use suitable
personal protective equipment such as ear defenders or ear plugs.
Noise level values
A-weighted equivalent sound pressure
80 dB (A)
C-weighted maximum instantaneous sound pressure
< 130 dB
K correction factor
The stated noise values are emission levels and are not necessarily safe operating levels.
Even though there is a relationship between emission levels and exposure levels, this cannot
be used to reliably establish the need for further precautions.
The factors that determine the noise levels to which the workforce is exposed include duration
of exposure, workplace characteristics, other noise sources, etc.
Legally allowed exposure levels may vary from country to country.
In any case, this information will allow the compressor user to better assess the noise hazard
and risk.
Operating and environmental conditions - permissible limits
Although the compressor is designed for use only indoors, cabinet enclosed versions can also
be installed outdoors.
In order to ensure trouble-free operation in conditions of complete safety, the following
parameters must be observed:
Operating temperature:
0 °C
+40 °C
Maximum relative humidity:
for temperatures above
31 °C
falling to
temperatures above
40 °C
Power supply tolerance:
+/- 10%
Pollution level:
2 - 04