Step 5: Mount and Solder Pots and Jacks
Mount the panel to the pots, using a washer and nut for each of the 5 pots. Tighten them down firmly
by hand, but no so much that the pots begin to rotate or twist off the pcb.
Double-check that the pots are square and flush to the PCB (not twisted off due to tightening the nuts).
Make sure the two switches are poking out of the panel in a way that you can flip them easily.
Now solder the pots and swiches (5 solder points per pot/switch).
Step 6: Jacks
Mount the 8 jacks as shown in the photo. The leftmost 6 jacks (Resync, Rotate, Slip, Shuffle, Skip,
PW) are mounted with the ground tab sticking up (away from the PCB). The two rightmost jacks
(4xFast and Mute) are mounted at a 45 degree angle with the ground tab pointed up and towards the
middle of the unit.
Now wire each jack to the PCB. The six leftmost jacks get one wire each, from the signal pin on the
jack to the square pad directly underneath it on the PCB (the signal pin is the one closest to the PCB,
attached to a spring on the jack). The two rightmost jacks also get a wire from the signal pin to the
square pad, as well as a wire from the switch pin to the round pad (the switch pin is the one in the
middle of the jack).
You may need to bend the ground tabs down so that they don't stick out past the edge of the panel.