According to the World Kickball Association (WKA):
• Kickball is a simple game consisting of two teams, bases, and a big red ball. Played like baseball,
the goal is to score more runs than the opposing team.
• Kickball can be played on any type of pitch or surface but it is most usually played on a softball
• Games often consist of 6 innings, but this can be flexible when not playing under WKA rules as
long as both teams agree.
• In Kickball, the order of kickers is not specified, but the usual convention is to have an order of
girl/boy or boy/girl.
• Unlike baseball, there are no strikeouts, leading off or stealing.
• The play comes to an end once the ball returns to the pitcher.
• A player can be out in Kickball when:
- The ball is caught by an opposing team member
- They are tagged out by an opposing player
- The player is forced out at a base by an opposition team member
• To score a run, a runner simply has to safely reach the home plate before then end of an innings.
Scoring in Kickball is simple. A run is scored when a runner safely reaches the home plate before
the end of an innings. If the ball is kicked and clears the outfield boundary, the runner that kicked
the ball (and any of those at the other bases) run unopposed to the home plate scoring a run each.
Once each team has had their allotted number of innings, the team with the greater number of runs
is declared the winner. In the case of a tied game, WKA state that an ‘accuracy kick’ competition
can be used to determine winner. This involves one designated kicker from each team kicking
towards 2nd base from the home plate. The kicker who kicks the ball closest to the base wins the
match for their team.
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