720-0123-00 Rev. A
Important Issues
Red Hat WS3.0 driver does not work with older (or newer) versions
The drivers provided in release 9.2 for Red Hat Enterprise WS3 are for Update 3 only.
If a driver is needed for an earlier version (Update 2) or for a newer version (Update 4),
you can build your own driver using the knowledgebase article 11843:
Red Hat – Additional configuration required for AutoCarving (Multi LUN support)
under Linux 2.4 (not required for Linux 2.6)
To allow multi LUN to work an 'options' line needs to be added to the
file above the controller entry:
options scsi_mod max_scsi_luns=8
alias scsi_hostadapter 3w-9xxx
If the system is booting from the 9500S controller (i.e. the array is primary storage)
then the initrd image also needs to be updated:
e.g. /sbin/mkinitrd –v –f /boot/initrd-<kernel>.img <kernel>
e.g. /sbin/mkinitrd -v -f /boot/init-2.4.21-4.EL.img
Fedora Core 3 - 3DM 2 installer does not work completely with Fedora Core 3
The install script for the 9.2 code set for 3DM 2 was not designed for Fedora Core
3, so you must do some additional steps as described below. This is true for other
non supported distributions as well. See KB article 12692
1. Install 3DM 2:
2. Untar 3dm-lnx.tgz
tar zxvf 3dm-lnx.tgz
3. Copy rc.redhat to /etc/rc.d/init.d/3dm2
cp rc.redhat /etc/rc.d/init.d/3dm2
4. Type:
chkconfig --add 3dm2