3. The Pivot Support Bracket of the "Special
Conversion Cabinets" has a single height
position. Place this Pivot Support Bracket
onto the cabinet base but don't secure it.
Lay the frame onto the bracket and
carefully swing the frame up to the Top
Mounting Bracket.
4. Align the Top Mount Bracket and Jumper
Wire Trough to the top of the frame and
the Top Drop-Down Bracket together and
loosely attach them with two 1/4" bolts.
5. Adjust the frame and Pivot Support
Bracket so the frame is vertical in the
cabinet. Secure the Pivot Support Bracket
to the base with two #10 self-drilling
screws. Tighten all the fasteners of the Top
Drop-Down Bracket and the Top Mounting
Bracket. Reinstall the SS1350-9 Frame if
it was removed.
b. Installing the 4230-K/XP - 3600/5400 Double Sided "Special Conversion Cabinet"
If a new concrete “pour-in-place” pad is to be used, it should be poured before the old cabinet is
removed. See Section 3.3.
1. Remove the top of the old cabinet by unbolting or cutting the side walls with a reciprocating saw.
2. Support the two back to back 1800 pair existing frames with a boom truck or an "A" frame/hoist.
3. Remove the old cabinet by following the procedures in section 2.1.
4. Handle the mounting pad as the other cabinets, follow procedures in section 3.0.
5. Remove the top, frames and any frame support brackets from the new cabinet.
6. Slide the new cabinet around the existing frame and reinstall the base cover.
7. Loosely reinstall the Top Mount Brackets and Jumper Wire Troughs in the cabinet so that it can
be adjusted to the tops of the frame and the Top Drop-Down Brackets.
8. The Pivot Support brackets of this cabinet have a single height position. Place the two brackets
onto the cabinet base but don’t secure them. Lay the frames onto the brackets and align them to
the Top Mounting Brackets.
9. The Pivot Support Brackets of this cabinet have a single height position. Place the two brackets
onto the cabinet base but don’t secure them. Lay the frames onto the brackets and align them to
the Top Mounting Brackets.
10. Adjust the frame and Pivot Support Bracket so the frame is vertical in the cabinet. Secure the
Pivot Support Bracket in place with two #10 self-drilling screws. Tighten all the fasteners of the
Top Drop down Bracket, Top Mounting Bracket and Jumper Wire Trough. Repeat on the other
side of the cabinet.
11. Reinstall and secure cabinet top, frame supports and new SS Frames.