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9.1 Final completion and setting
Install your receiver, connect servo cable, setup servos and etc. with your trasmitter, check
servo position. Set recommended deflections.
Check CoG point CoG is 83mm /3.27
from the
Leading Edge of the wing, see the CoG tags on wings. As the last step install propeller.
It is generally ideal to correct the center of gravity by the weight of the batteries and not by
adding lead to the nose or tail of the aircraft. You can use Y cables for elevator, rudder, LG
and save some Rx channels...
Make sure the battery is placed properly and secured in position. If battery moves during the
flight it can shift the center of gravity backwards and the aircraft becomes uncontrollable!
You will need:
your own Rx/Tx system, 5-14channel (see 5. servo chapter)
2-5x servo Y cable
adhesive velcro strip for Li-Pol battery, ESC and Receiver
battery strap and zip
( short landing)
-13% elevator compensation
expo 50%,
diff 30-25%
+18mm !!!
-6mm !!!
R 10
L 20mm
expo 70%
expo 50%
L 10
nose LG
expo 50%
(take off and landing)
-8% elevator compensation
R 20mm
NOTE: set ailerons differentiation 30-25% (up 100% down 30-25%) never fly this aircraft
without or it will lead to bad flight characteristic (will rise in turn and so on...)