Pannoramic 1000 1.2 – User’s Guide
6.2 Troubleshooting
Virtual slides show poor stitching in Viewer
Scan camera not properly adjusted (for example, due to loose fixture)
Contact 3DHISTECH Service for support.
Slide is often positioned incorrectly
Guiding fault in transport system
Contact 3DHISTECH Service for support.
All individual images show a shading effect
Algorithm failed to find empty image fields
Capture a reference image with a blank slide
Status LEDs of a magazine column are dimming
One or more slide in a magazine in a column are misaligned in one of the magazines
Open the door (the SW informs you to preform this operation), then push back all
the slides within the column. Make sure to not remove a magazine as all the
parameters set to the contained slides will be erased.
Slide status is marked with grey because the slide is moved into the safety container
Slide cannot be placed back to its position in the magazine for some reason
If more than 10 slides are moved into safety container, the following error message is
“There is too much slide in the safety container, scanner control software will
now exit. For more information, please contact the support team.”
Slide edge is broken or damaged
There is some residue of mounting media on the slide resulting in the gripper arm
sticking to the slide
Slide is too thick (refer to acceptable slide dimension in section
3 Preparing Slides
and Magazines
March 19, 2019 – Rev. 2