Processing of block supports fails
DMP software needs mm units as input. If the units of the layer thickness are in inches, HatchWise will not be able to find the first layer.
Speed up the Slicing, Hatching and Processing of Multiple Parts
1 . To increase the processing speed, the number of DMP Workers (each one running on a computer) is very important . The more
DMP Workers running, the quicker all calculations will be finished.
2 . You can start as many DMP Workers (one Worker per PC), on as many computers as you want .
3 . If you want to process multiple parts at the same time, you can drag/drop them all in one instance of DMP Explorer . However it
is preferrable to start multiple instances (can be on the same computer) of DMP Explorer and process only a few parts per DMP
Explorer . You can start multiple instances of DMP Explorer on multiple computers as well .
4 . The order of processing that the server will apply is random and cannot be prioritized . This means that if you really need a
particular group to be finished first, process that one alone before starting all other DMP Explorer processes.
My Computer is Slow When DMP Worker is Enabled
By default DMP Worker can automatically take approximately 80% of your computing power to use for processing . If you want to limit
this you can set it to use less processor core .
1 . Right click on the DMP Worker icon in the system tray .
2 . Click Set Max Processes and set to a lower value
3 . The new setting will take effect the next time DMP Worker is
started .
Option 2:
1 . Move the different parts slightly towards each other in DMP Control so that
outer contours are as close as a scan space apart .
2 .
For both options it is advised to put the job ScanOrder to “randomized” to
have the best result . You can do this in DMP Control: