© 2004 3D Foamy (Levi Jordan) All Rights Reserved.
Install the flaperon servos into the precut holes in the fuselage, and plug
the servo leads into the receiver. The servo is held in place simply by
friction (thus it’s important to have a tight fit).
Install the flaperon control horns, and make a pushrod from 1/32” music
wire (using Z-bends at both ends).
Attach the motor to the motor mount. This installation shown is the GWS
EPS-350 motor with C gearing. Two screws on top hold the motor onto
the wood mounting stick.
Plug the motor into the pre-installed leads to the speed control.
Test install the battery inside the forward fuselage to see where it needs to
be to provide the correct center of gravity. The prototype model required
the battery all the way forward (but no other ballast was required).
After the battery location has been determined, apply a strip of Velcro to
the centerline of the fuselage and to the battery. This will allow easily
adjusting the center of gravity later.
Trim the wiring extension to the speed control as required and solder on
the appropriate connector to match the battery.