To back up the basic and extended BootWare to the CF card, enter
on the BootWare operation
submenu and follow the prompts:
Will you backup the Basic BootWare? [Y/N]Y
Begin to backup the Basic BootWare...................Done!
Will you backup the Extend BootWare? [Y/N]Y
Begin to backup the Extend BootWare...................Done!
To restore the backup BootWare from the CF card, enter
on the BootWare operation submenu and
follow the prompts:
Will you restore the Basic BootWare? [Y/N]Y
Begin to restore Normal Basic BootWare...Done!
Will you restore the Extend BootWare? [Y/N]Y
Begin to restore Normal Extend BootWare....Done!
Using the CLI
You can also use
commands to back up and restore the BootWare.
Backing up the BootWare
Back up the complete BootWare to the Flash:
<H3C>bootrom backup all
Now backuping bootrom, please wait...
Backup bootrom completed!
Back up the extended BootWare to the Flash:
<H3C>bootrom backup part
Now backuping bootrom, please wait...
Backup bootrom completed!
Restoring the BootWare
Restore the complete BootWare backed up on the Flash to the system:
<H3C>bootrom restore all
This command will restore bootrom file, Continue? [Y/N]:y
Now restoring bootrom, please wait...
Restore bootrom completed!
Restore the extended BootWare backed up on the Flash card to the system:
<H3C>bootrom restore part
This command will restore bootrom file, Continue? [Y/N]:y
Now restoring bootrom, please wait...
Restore bootrom completed!