2.After adding the oil, it needs to be turned on for a period of time to make
the silicone oil evenly spread on the running belt.
When you lubricate the running belt, you must stop using the treadmill and t
he running belt is at rest.
Proper maintenance is always keeping your treadmill at its best. Wrong main
tenance can hurt or shorten the life of the treadmill.
Important notice:
Do not use sandpaper or solvents to clean the treadmill. The control part of
the treadmill should not be exposed to direct sunlight or moisture to avoid d
amage. Always check and screw all parts of the treadmill, and the damaged
parts must be replaced immediately.
1. Adjust running belt
Adjusting the run has two functions: elastic adjustment and running center po
sition adjustment. The running belt has been adjusted at the factory. Howeve
r, after use, the running belt will be stretched. Deviation from the center posi
tion causes damage to the running belt strip and the rear cover. It is normal
for the running belt to be stretched during use. If you are running a treadmi
ll with a slippery or not smooth, you can adjust the tightness of the running
belt to improve.
How to adjust the running belt?
1) Insert the 6mm Allen key into the adjustment screw on the left side of th
e running belt, and turn the wrench 1/4 turn clockwise to adjust the rear roll
er to tighten the running belt.
2) Repeat step 1 to adjust the right screw. It must be determined that the a
djustment screw rotates the same distance so that the rear roller is adjusted
parallel to the frame.
3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the running belt does not slip.
4) Note that the running belt cannot be adjusted too tightly, which will break
the running belt, increase the pressure of the front/rear roller, and it will d
amage to the roller bearing.Abnormal sounds or other problems. If you want
to reduce the tension of the running belt, please turn the wrench countercloc
kwise, paying attention to the same distance between the left and right side
2. Adjust the belt to the middle position
When you use the treadmill, the pressure on the two legs is not the same a
s the strength of the running belt during running, which causes the running b
elt not in the middle position. This phenomenon is normal. When no one is r
unning on the running belt, it will return to the center. You need to adjust th
e belt back to the middle position.
How to adjust the belt to middle position?