4.5 Mounting the camera in the housing:
Remove the lens cap and wrist strap. Check the white dots on the control ¡Flash on¡, ¡On/OFF)¡ and
¡Aspect Ratio¡ are facing the Housing Cover Lid.
Slide the camera into the body along the rubber packing. Make sure the camera body reach the limit and
test the function of the On/Off button on the body of the housing.
Align the bulkhead cable as shown below and check the cable is not jammed under any button or over the
Slide the hot shoe plug into the hot shoe
Replace the lid and make sure the lever is perpendicular to the side wall of the housing. Lock the lid by
press down the lever and turn until the lever is parallel to the side wall of the housing.
After replacing and locking the lid, make a final visual inspection of the main O-ring for contamination.
Note: If the O-ring is in good contact, a thin black line, about 0.5 to 1mm in width
should be visible,
where the O-ring is in contact with the lid. Follow this line all
the way round the edge of the seal, as a
final check that the seal is good.
4.6 Mounting the Converter Lens and Dome Port (Optional)
The 10Bar LX3 housing interchangeable port system is designed to accommodate dry converter lens for
use underwater. The installation procedure is as follows:
a. Remove the cover ring on the camera lens and mounting the lens adaptor