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Extreme Networks Technical Brief

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EPICenter 7.1 Job Scheduler—Page 1

Job Scheduling with EPICenter 7.1 

The EPICenter


 7.1 Job Scheduler feature enables network 

managers to execute specific time driven actions on  


 based switches. Base-level scripts have been 

created with the ability to include almost any functionality 
desired or imaginable. Intricate tasks such as VLAN creation 
with EAPS (Ethernet Automatic Protection Switching) can 
be easily accomplished through the integration of scripting 
functionality in EPICenter.

Configuration Manager Scripting 

EPICenter configuration manager is capable of running or 
pre-staging scripts on switches for later usage. It relies on the 
built-in capabilities within the ExtremeXOS operating system 
and allows configuration or reconfiguration of features on 
individual switches or on multiple switches in parallel. Unlike 
other central management systems, configuration manager 
scripting does not require constant interactions with the remote 
device. Thus, scripts can be created for deployment onto 
switches and run autonomously even when changes could 
cause a loss of communications with the unit. Other common 
uses include scripts used to configure a new switch or to 
enable new feature on a switch.  

New Features are Now Available 

through Scripts 

In many competing network management systems (NMSs), 
new software features must be requested from the manu-
facturer. Once the request is made the administrator must 
wait for the feature to show up in the next feature pack.  

EPICenter 7.1 has taken a different approach: Network 
administrators now have the ability to add their own custom 
features, whether they are very simple or extremely complex, 
through scripts. The only knowledge needed is the sequence 
of CLI commands needed to do a task. Now administrators 
can rapidly create and deploy custom features and tasks  
as needed.    

Additionally, by providing users with a simple method to reuse 
scripts with variables and a dynamic custom scripting GUI, 
these grouped commands have a push-button-type ease of 
use. This capability allows for faster reuse and deployment 
of scripts through the scripting feature, without the need to 
wait for a future software feature pack.

EPICenter 7.1 Job Scheduler

Figure 1: EPICenter Main Screen
