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Summary of Contents for Superprof 2000

Page 1: ...M A NU AL Superprof...

Page 2: ...lish...

Page 3: ...areas Productcode Seria lNumber YearofManuf ac t ure Dat e ofpurcha s e 2 Warranty 2 1 Warranty card To be elig ib l e t o obt ainwar r ant y you mus tmailthecompl et ed war rant y car d withinone mon...

Page 4: ...r oughlyf amil iarwithope ratingsuchequipme nt itiss til l advi sablet o read th es e pag es careful l y AtELIETallourmachin es and devi ces ar e subjec t ed t o a poli cy ofcontinuouschangeand the r...

Page 5: ...yst em insucha mannerthatflames orheatf rom thesys t em wil l notigni t e flammablemat eria l Failu re oftheowner ope r at oroftheequipme ntt o complywiththisr egulat ionisa mis demeanour undercert ai...

Page 6: ...tio n 8 5 3 Warnin g 8 6 Main parts 9 7 Safety instructions 11 7 1 Saf et y m es s ag es 11 7 2Saf et y f eat ur es 1 4 7 3 Saf et y in struct ions 16 7 3 1 Gene r als af et y regulat ion s 16 7 3 2Ca...

Page 7: ...ingwork 24 9 6 2Shr eddingpr oper 25 9 7 Troubl esho oting 27 9 7 1 Rot orst alled 27 9 7 2Enginecut s outand theoill ev elpil otlig htcomes on 28 9 7 3 Enginest allswhilerunning 28 9 7 4 Mot ordoes n...

Page 8: ...enginefuelfil ter 36 11 3 7 Addingaddit iona lbat t eryacid 36 11 4 Machinemai nt enan ce 37 11 4 1 Checkingand sharpeningtheblad es 37 11 4 2Rev ersingand renewingthesh r eddingkni ves 39 11 4 3 Chec...

Page 9: ...13 1 Si ev e s creens 52 13 2Conve yorbelt 53 14 Equipment specifications 57 15 EC Declaration of Conformity 58 Appendix A 59...

Page 10: ...ormationand oraction s ort o denot e wher e you can findaddit iona l i nf ormationrelat ingt o thesubjec t 5 2 Caution Caution Thisnoti ce ide ntif i es s af e us agehabi t s Thisisdonet o prev entin...

Page 11: ...ide nti fiedby name Itisa goodid ea t o t ake timet o s t udy themachinebef orehandf oran impr ov ed unde r st anding ofthedes cri ptionsprovidedinthisusermanual 1 Saf et y handle 2 Wheeldri ve cont r...

Page 12: ...hf eed ofthemachin e YourELIETdealerisatyourservi ce readyt o pr ovideyou withmai nt enan ce oradvi ce so thatyour ELIETmachineal ways r emainsinoptimalcondit ion You can cont acthim f orgenuineELIETs...

Page 13: ...p rot ecti ve gl ov es s af et y goggl es hearing pr ot ec t or s Per f ormingmai nt enan ce orope ratingthe machinecan be sour ce ofhand injur i es Be at t enti ve and car eful Stic ker 2 remindsthe...

Page 14: ...E nglis BQ 505 010160 BQ 505 112116 BQ 505 010130 BQ 505010 070...

Page 15: ...injur i es once the scr een hasbeen eased away Thisdecalisaf fi xed t o theback ofthe machineatthe saf et y s creen This stic kerremindsthe userofthemachine t o examinethebol t s ret ainingtheblad es...

Page 16: ...eaning mus t be immedia t elyr enewed Stic kers ar e availableatyourapp rov ed ELIETDeale r The following stickers apply exclusively to our American Customers Thisstic kersummari zes in18 i t ems a n...

Page 17: ...chni cal suppo rtincas e ofproblems OrderNumber BQ 505010 240 7 2 Safety provisions Safety screen The s af et y scr een 1 avoidsacc es s t o the blad es No t oolsare requi r ed t o open the scr een bu...

Page 18: ion3 If you m ov e thehandlet o posit ion2 the f eedrollerpullsthemat eria li nt o the machin e Ifyou m ov e thehandlet o posit ion1 thef eedrollerr ot at es inthe opp osi t e di r ections o thatan...

Page 19: s tructionswhen usingtheELIETmachine Car eful lyread allthe in struct ionsrelat ingt o theuse ofthemachin e Allth es e in struct ionsrela t e t o yourper sonalsaf et y When you pur cha se th e mac...

Page 20: ...r ev entthemachinef orm m ov ing Fordeo nt ologi calreas ons ELIETacc eptno r esponsib i l i t y what soev erf orany accide nt alinjury t o pet s orpers onscaused by i t s machin es 7 3 3 Responsibili...

Page 21: ...thedangerar ea When l eavingthemachin e theenginemust be s wi t ched of f Al ways waitunti ltheblad es come t o a compl et e st ands til lbef or e carryingout any ope r ation Once the engineisrunning...

Page 22: ven by theenginemake...

Page 23: ...o thecus t omer iss omethingcannotbe ov er em phasi zed All the bolts retaining the blades must be examined for security of fixings after the first 5 operating hours Torque loading 40Nm Li kewi se mak...

Page 24: ...thewar r ant y card...

Page 25: ...orf r ac t ures ina blad e thisblademustbe immedia t elyr enewed see Chapt er11 4 2Rev er singand r enewingtheshreddingkni ves Fors af et y s s ake tig ht en thebaldebol t s s ee theli stinannex f orb...

Page 26: ope rt y...

Page 27: ...nce I t i s uns af e and thu s expres sl y f orbidde n t o fi l l th e fue l t ank i n th e vic in i t y of smokers or naked flames I f fue l comes i nt o cont ac t wi t h th e ey es or i s t aken i n...

Page 28: ...debrist o pr ot ectitf orm ov erh eating...

Page 29: ...chin e cannotbe st art ed Mov e theth r ot tlecont roll ev er 1 t o themid posit ion Cl os e thecho ke l ev er 2 by pull ingtheknob Turn theignit i onkey 3 t o the1 posit ionand make su re the red oil...

Page 30: t uationwher e you no longerhave cont rolov erthework...

Page 31: ...ev erso thattheenginerunsat l ow speed t ort oi s e Make su re thatthesaf et y handleisintheneut ralposit ion Movingthemachine Mov e thecont rolhandlef or wards thenthemachinewil l m ov e f or war ds...

Page 32: ...same time Movingbothcont rolhandl es wil l cause themachinet o m ov e f or wards m ovingthem bac kwar ds wil l cause themachinet o m ov e bac kwards...

Page 33: ...o become acquai nt ed withthecha rac t eri sti cs ofa sel f propelledmachineand do s o ina qui ets paciouslo cationwithoutbyst ande rs Note You can m ov e theth rot tlecont r oll ev ert o inc r ease t...

Page 34: red atful l th rot tlef ortheenginet o produce i t s ful l poweroutpu t Mov e thecont r oll ev ert o thecent r ed posit ion p osit ion2 The f eed rollerst art s t o t urn and pullsthegar den was t...

Page 35: ...r om you p osit ion3 When the engineret urnst o i t s normalspeed you can rest artthef eedr ollerby m ovingthecont r olhandlet o thecent re posit ion p osit ion2 WithABM The f eedr ollerst ops when en...

Page 36: ...rearfla p...

Page 37: ...hef eedr ollerby pushingthecont rolhandlet o posit ion3 Mov e theth rot tlecont r oll ev ert o theminimum posit ion St op theengineusingtheignit i onkey Remov e any f or eignobjec t s I fyou noti ce a...

Page 38: ...Di rt y orf ouleds parkplug Blad es ar e blu nt In cor rectt ensionofV bel t 9 7 6 Wheel drive does not operate when petrol engine is running Saf et y handleisnotinneut ralposit ion Def ectinthehydr...

Page 39: ...28...

Page 40: e gr ease and lubri cant s us e penet r ating oilcont ainingmolybdenum disulphid e Thissp r ay lubri cat es and al so di ss ol ves ru st Itisus efult o have compress ed airinthevicin i t y s o tha...

Page 41: ...bac kwards f acingthemachin e Ifgravi t y cause s themachinet o des cend mor e quicklydown theslopethanisdesi r ed quicklym ov e thecont r olhandlet o theotherdri ve di r ection Thisenabl es you t o...

Page 42: ...r epla cementpart s Thes e servi ce part s are manuf ac t ured t o thesame strictquali t y cont rolrequi r ement s and deg r ee ofcr af t smanshipas theorigina l equipme nt Foryoursaf et y us e onlyge...

Page 43: ...Hisst af fcan al ways obt ainadvi ce and s ervi ce f r om ELIE T so thatth ey can pr ovideyou withan impe cc ableaf t er sal es s ervi ce 11 2 General interventions Warning Foryourown s af et y Af t...

Page 44: ...y gua rd 1 upwards Pullthelock 2 downwar ds Make su re thatbothclamps 3 are re l eased Toppletheshr eddings creen 4 downward To compl et elyr emov e thesi ev e per f orm thef oll owings t eps Remov e...

Page 45: ...efi l l e r cap 2 bef ore t oppingup theoil Remov e thefi l l e r cap and r emov e thedi psticks o thatthecr ankcase isventi la t ed Caution Toppingof ftheoill ev elisa m eti culousjob do notov erfi l...

Page 46: ...engine and remov e theignit i onkey...

Page 47: ...n eaththefi l t er Remov e theus ed fi l t er 1 af t erall owingtheoilt o dr ain ifs t ubborn use an oilfi l t erwrenc h Applya fi lmofnew oilt o thes ealinggas ketofthenew fi l t er Scr ew thenew fi...

Page 48: ...r emov e theexc es s oil...

Page 49: ...theignit i onkey f r om theignit i ons wi t ch Warning Al ways all ow themachinet o cooldown thisist o avoidfi re hazar d ordangerof expl osion Loos en th e ret ainin g s t r aps 2 and 3 usin g a uni...

Page 50: Ifthe r e isany fu rtherdi scom f ort seekpr omptmedi calat t ention Washyourhandsimmedia t elyaf t erper f ormingthismai nt enan ce Note NEVER add addit iona l acid add onlydi sti l l edwat er 11...

Page 51: ...anglegrinderwitha grindingdi sc sui t ablef ors t eel...

Page 52: ...atdealof i t s cut tingf or ce The grindingisper f ormed by m ovingthegrindingdi s c alongtheangledcut ting edg e Avoidexc es si ve grindinginthes ame lo cation p r ev ent lo caldi scolo r ationofblad...

Page 53: purp os e Thi s i s th e time t o rev ers e or r enew th e blad es...

Page 54: es asa pair assh own inthephot os inor dert o workinan or gani sed manner Di s ass embletheblad es by r emovingthetw o M8 bol t s f rom each blad e Inthissi t uational ways use tw o rings panne rs...

Page 55: oup...

Page 56: ...ladeofgroup 2 mount ed on a flu t ed partofa bladedi s c mus tpoi ntto wards thecent re axi s When thisisnotthe cas e adju st B To renew a shredding knife proceed as follows New set s ofkni ves are av...

Page 57: st alledblad es can pos e a dangert o theope r at orand themachin e Ifthishappen s you ar e no longercov ered by thewar r ant y 11 4 3 Checking the drive belt for correct tension Remov e thebeltgua...

Page 58: ...e them et alpla t es betw een theengine blockand theguidebol t s 5 6 and scr ew theguidebol t s unti lth ey ju s t t ouch theengineblock Locktheguidebol t s usingthelocknut s M10SW 17 11 4 5 Checking...

Page 59: ...and t urn theclampingbolt 3 fu rtheri nwar ds orout wards if t r ackt ensionist oo hig h Remembert o tig ht en thelocknut 2 t o secur e theclampingbolt 3 Asyou go along tho r oughlycl ean and lubri ca...

Page 60: ...f ectand premat ure wear 11 4 8 General lubrication In vi ew of the f act thatthe shredde rs of t en ope rat e in ext reme condit ion s ELIETconside r s itim port ant t o use high quali t y mat eria l...

Page 61: thef oll owingprocedur e Whenev erpos sibl e di sass emblethehingeorthejoi nt Spr ay s ome penet ratingoilcont ainingmolybdenum disulphideont o thefrict i onssur f aces and all ow theoilt o pen et...

Page 62: ...f fic ie ntt o di s tribu t e thegr ease Wipeaway any gr ease thatcomes outofthejoi nt s C Lubricating the bearings Thisgroup includ es thef oll owinglo cationson the machine Bearingofthef eedr oller...

Page 63: ...d around thedri ve Us e penet r atingoilcont ainingmolybdenum disulphidet o di ss ol ve thelubri cant When thedri ve iscl ean and allt r aces ofgr ease and di rthave beenremov ed you can applynew lubr...

Page 64: ...ngup thenew machine Withinthefi rs t5 hour s af t err ot atingtheblad es Withinthefi rs t5 hour s af t erchangingtheblad es What Checkallbladebol t s f orcor rectt or que l oadingand r etig ht en ifco...

Page 65: ...rmingany mai nt enan ce st op theengineand remov e thekey f rom the ignit i ons wi t ch Wearsui t ablecl othing Dailymai nt enan ce s ee Chapt er11 5 3 Changetheengineoil see Chapt er11 3 2 Cl ean the...

Page 66: ...ablecl othing Mai nt enan ce af t er100 hour s s ee Chapt er11 5 5 ChangeRESI STTM blad es iffi t t ed s ee Chapt er11 4 2 Changingthehydr aulicoiland oilfi l t er s ee Chapt er11 4 7 Aircl eanerchan...

Page 67: ...machin e AtELIE T we s t r onglyrecommend thatthemachineisst ored ata lo cationthatiswellprot ec t ed f r om theweathe r et c When wi nt eriz ingthemachinef orlongperiod s itisrecommended t o per f or...

Page 68: ...y gua r d Open thesi ev e by pull ingtheclamp bac kwards 1 Make su r e thatthehooks ar e com pl et elyrel eas ed Remov e thehairpinclip 2 Pullther od 3 outand remov e the si ev e f r om themachin e C...

Page 69: ...ort o themachin e al ways be sur e t o s wi t ch of f theengin e Remov e thes af et y gua r d cov er M8 SW13 Warn ing The cov er ispart of the s af et y gua rd and pr ev ent s you f rom coming i nt o...

Page 70: ...e thelockingpin 2 fi rs tand thenpr es s thecont rolhandledown Not e Af t ermachinest art up fi rs tswi t ch on thedi s cha rge beltconve yorbef or e f eedingbr anch es i nt o thef eedinghoppe r Deta...

Page 71: ...ewingthist rans ver se beam Loos en theM8 bol t s on eitherside S W13 Mov e thet r ansvers e beam t o anotheratt achmentholeand thenrefitthebol t s Tig ht en thebol t s so thatthebeltconve yorremains...

Page 72: ...o thatyou can evalua t e ther esultofyouraction Iftheconve yort r ac ks t o thel ef t thenper f orm theabov e procedur e butr epla ce l eftwithrig ht Checking the conveyor belt for correct tracking Pe...

Page 73: ...37x 72 Hydraulic motors Danfoss Sauer Sundstrand3 2cc 210bar Lp A 105dB A Lw A 115dB A Lw A 116dB A B S Vanguard RESIST blades Sievefor dampproducts Sievewith30mmopenings Sievewith35mmopenings E ngli...

Page 74: ...sknowledg e theneces s aryst eps have beent aken inlinewithMachineDi r ecti ve 2006 42 EC inor dert o ensu r e absolu t e ope rat orsaf et y f or theope r at or when themachineisus ed cor rectl y The...

Page 75: el i e t eu www el i e t e u...

Page 76: ...IN51524 Part3 HVLP Vi scosi t y I SO VG 46 cSt Capaci t y ofhydr aulics yst em 15 L Brands SUNOCO Sunvis846WR HV ELF HydrelfDS 46 SHELL TellusTD 46 TOTAL EquivisZS 46 CASTROL AnvolWG 46 TEX ACO Rando...
