DH2 Solutions Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 08808540. VAT Reg. No. 180 6294 02
Registered office: Unit 25G2, Springfield Commercial Centre, Bagley Lane, Farsley, Leeds, LS28 5LY
0113 2564572
Grid Pad 12 - User Guide
Turning on your Grid Pad
Press the power button to turn on the device.
Grid 3 should automatically load and appear on screen a short time after Windows has started.
If the device will not turn on, then try charging the device for a while as the batteries may be
completely flat. It could take up to two hours on charge before the unit will successfully power up
from completely flat batteries.
In the event of a system freeze, and only if there is no response from the device at all, if you press and
hold the power button for 5 seconds this will force the Grid Pad to turn off.
e don’t recommend
doing this unless you have no other option!
Charging your Grid Pad
The charger connection is located on the back near the top of the unit and is indicated by a blue
circle around it.
Please ONLY use the supplied charger
- The correct charger cable also has a blue ring around the
plug end so that they are easily matched together.
A full charge can take up to 8 hours if the unit is switched off. If the unit is powered on, and in use
the charge time may take longer.
Battery level indication is normally displayed on the Home Page of Grid 3